Baby Name Lists

Girls - R

Here you can find lists of baby names that you can lookup by first letter and gender. The lists also have links to see the meaning of the name, and how poular the name is. Not all names will have meaning and popularity information available.

First Letter:

RaMeaning of RaPopularity of Ra
RaananahMeaning of RaananahPopularity of Raananah
RaashidaMeaning of RaashidaPopularity of Raashida
RabahMeaning of RabahPopularity of Rabah
RachaelMeaning of RachaelPopularity of Rachael
RachealMeaning of RachealPopularity of Racheal
RachelMeaning of RachelPopularity of Rachel
RacheleMeaning of RachelePopularity of Rachele
RachelleMeaning of RachellePopularity of Rachelle
RachidaMeaning of RachidaPopularity of Rachida
RachnaMeaning of RachnaPopularity of Rachna
RacquelMeaning of RacquelPopularity of Racquel
RadellaMeaning of RadellaPopularity of Radella
RadhaMeaning of RadhaPopularity of Radha
RadhikaMeaning of RadhikaPopularity of Radhika
RadhiyaMeaning of RadhiyaPopularity of Radhiya
RadinkaMeaning of RadinkaPopularity of Radinka
RaeMeaning of RaePopularity of Rae
RaedselfMeaning of RaedselfPopularity of Raedself
RaeganMeaning of RaeganPopularity of Raegan
RaekaMeaning of RaekaPopularity of Raeka
RaelynMeaning of RaelynPopularity of Raelyn
RaelynnMeaning of RaelynnPopularity of Raelynn
RafaMeaning of RafaPopularity of Rafa
RafaelaMeaning of RafaelaPopularity of Rafaela
RafaellaMeaning of RafaellaPopularity of Rafaella
RafelaMeaning of RafelaPopularity of Rafela
RagnaMeaning of RagnaPopularity of Ragna
RagnallMeaning of RagnallPopularity of Ragnall
RagnhildMeaning of RagnhildPopularity of Ragnhild
Rah'zellMeaning of Rah'zellPopularity of Rah'zell
RahelMeaning of RahelPopularity of Rahel
RahiMeaning of RahiPopularity of Rahi
RahilMeaning of RahilPopularity of Rahil
RahimatehMeaning of RahimatehPopularity of Rahimateh
RaiMeaning of RaiPopularity of Rai
RaichealMeaning of RaichealPopularity of Raicheal
RaidaMeaning of RaidaPopularity of Raida
RaimundaMeaning of RaimundaPopularity of Raimunda
RainMeaning of RainPopularity of Rain