Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Abihail

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AbagailLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abagail
AbagailHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abagail
AbbeLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abbe
AbbeHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abbe
AbbeyLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abbey
AbbieLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abbie
AbbyLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abby
AbigailLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abigail
AbigailHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abigail
AbigaleLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abigale
AbigaleHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abigale
AbigayleLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abigayle
AbigayleHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abigayle
AbilioLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Abilio
AbilioHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Abilio
GailLatinHead of a monasteryPopularity of Gail
GailHebrewA father's joyPopularity of Gail