Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Coretta

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CoraEnglishMaidenPopularity of Cora
CoraGreekMaidenPopularity of Cora
CoraleeEnglishMaidenPopularity of Coralee
CoraleeGreekMaidenPopularity of Coralee
CoraliaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Coralia
CoralieEnglishMaidenPopularity of Coralie
CoralieGreekMaidenPopularity of Coralie
CoralynEnglishMaidenPopularity of Coralyn
CoreenIrishMaidenPopularity of Coreen
CoreeneIrishMaidenPopularity of Coreene
CorellaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Corella
CoreneGreekMaidenPopularity of Corene
CoretteFrenchLittle maidenPopularity of Corette
CoriIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Cori
CoriEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Cori
CoriGreekMaidenPopularity of Cori
CoriannIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Coriann
CoriannEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Coriann
CorianneIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corianne
CorianneEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corianne
CorieIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corie
CorieEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corie
CorinGreekMaidenPopularity of Corin
CorinaGreekMaidenPopularity of Corina
CorindaGreekMaidenPopularity of Corinda
CorinnaGreekMaidenPopularity of Corinna
CorinneGreekMaidenPopularity of Corinne
CorinneFrenchMaidenPopularity of Corinne
CorisaEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corisa
CorisaIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corisa
CorissaGreekMaidenPopularity of Corissa
CorissaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Corissa
CorisseGreekMaidenPopularity of Corisse
CoritaGreekMaidenPopularity of Corita
CorleneEnglishMaidenPopularity of Corlene
CorreenIrishMaidenPopularity of Correen
CorreenaIrishMaidenPopularity of Correena
CorriEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corri
CorriIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corri
CorriannaIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrianna
CorriannaEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrianna
CorrianneEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrianne
CorrianneIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrianne
CorrieEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrie
CorrieIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corrie
CorrissaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Corrissa
CorryEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corry
CorryIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Corry
CoryEnglishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Cory
CoryIrishFrom the round hill, Seething pool, RavinePopularity of Cory
DarikaIndianMaidenPopularity of Darika
KorenGreekMaidenPopularity of Koren
KoriGreekMaidenPopularity of Kori
KorrieGreekMaidenPopularity of Korrie
KorryGreekMaidenPopularity of Korry
MadyEnglishMaidenPopularity of Mady
MadyGermanMaidenPopularity of Mady
MaegthEnglishMaidenPopularity of Maegth
MagdGermanMaidenPopularity of Magd
MaidaAnglo-SaxonMaidenPopularity of Maida
MaidaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Maida
MaidelEnglishMaidenPopularity of Maidel
MaidieEnglishMaidenPopularity of Maidie
MaydaAnglo-SaxonMaidenPopularity of Mayda
MaydaEnglishMaidenPopularity of Mayda
MaydeEnglishMaidenPopularity of Mayde