Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Deena

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DeanaLatinPresiding official, ValleyPopularity of Deana
DeaneLatinPresiding official, ValleyPopularity of Deane
DeannaLatinPresiding official, ValleyPopularity of Deanna
DeannaHebrewVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Deanna
DeanneEnglishPresiding official, ValleyPopularity of Deanne
DeanneLatinPresiding official, ValleyPopularity of Deanne
DenaHebrewVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Dena
DennaHebrewVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Denna
DinaSpanishVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Dina
DinaHebrewVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Dina
DinahHebrewVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Dinah
DinoraSpanishVindicated, JudgementPopularity of Dinora