Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Aba

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AbbaHebrewFatherPopularity of Abba
AbbaArabicFatherPopularity of Abba
AbbeHebrewFatherPopularity of Abbe
AbbeArabicFatherPopularity of Abbe
AbbotHebrewFatherPopularity of Abbot
AbbotArabicFatherPopularity of Abbot
AbbottHebrewFatherPopularity of Abbott
AbbottArabicFatherPopularity of Abbott
AbodHungarianFatherPopularity of Abod
AbonyHungarianFatherPopularity of Abony
AbosHungarianFatherPopularity of Abos
AbrashaHebrewFatherPopularity of Abrasha
AbraxasSpanishBrightPopularity of Abraxas
AbsaHebrewFatherPopularity of Absa
AbsaArabicFatherPopularity of Absa
ApariAustralian AboriginalFatherPopularity of Apari
RiordainIrishBrightPopularity of Riordain
RiordanIrishBrightPopularity of Riordan
SheridanEnglishBrightPopularity of Sheridan
TorhtAnglo-SaxonBrightPopularity of Torht
TorhteAnglo-SaxonBrightPopularity of Torhte
WinBurmeseBrightPopularity of Win