Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Dillon

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DilanIrishLike a lionPopularity of Dilan
DilanFrenchLike a lionPopularity of Dilan
DillanWelshSea God, Son of the wavesPopularity of Dillan
DillenIrishLike a lionPopularity of Dillen
DillenFrenchLike a lionPopularity of Dillen
DillionCelticFaithfulPopularity of Dillion
Diya al dinArabicFaithfulPopularity of Diya al din
DylanWelshSea God, Son of the wavesPopularity of Dylan
FidelSpanishFaithfulPopularity of Fidel
FideleSpanishFaithfulPopularity of Fidele
LealFrenchFaithfulPopularity of Leal
LeanderEnglishLike a lionPopularity of Leander
LeandreFrenchLike a lionPopularity of Leandre