Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Edward

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EadwardAnglo-SaxonGuardianPopularity of Eadward
EamonIrishGuardianPopularity of Eamon
EberhardGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Eberhard
EberhardtGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Eberhardt
EburhardtGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Eburhardt
EdEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Ed
EddieEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Eddie
EddyEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Eddy
EduardEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Eduard
EduardGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Eduard
EduardoEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Eduardo
EdvardEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Edvard
EdwardoEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Edwardo
EdwardsEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Edwards
EdwardsonEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Edwardson
EibhearEnglishStrong as a boarPopularity of Eibhear
EverEnglishStrong as a boarPopularity of Ever
EverardGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Everard
EveretEnglishStrong as a boarPopularity of Everet
EverhardEnglishStrong as a boarPopularity of Everhard
EvertEnglishStrong as a boarPopularity of Evert
EvrardGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Evrard
EwardGermanStrong as a boarPopularity of Eward
NedEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Ned
NeddieEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Neddie
NeddyEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Neddy
TedEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Ted
TeddieEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Teddie
TeddyEnglishGuardian of prosperity, Guardian of the mistsPopularity of Teddy
WardEnglishGuardianPopularity of Ward
WardeEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warde
WardellEnglishGuardianPopularity of Wardell
WardenEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warden
WardleyEnglishGuardianPopularity of Wardley
WareineGermanGuardianPopularity of Wareine
WarfieldEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warfield
WarfordEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warford
WarinGermanGuardianPopularity of Warin
WarleyEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warley
WarmondEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warmond
WarrenGermanGuardianPopularity of Warren
WarrenerGermanGuardianPopularity of Warrener
WartonEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warton
WarwickEnglishGuardianPopularity of Warwick