Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Boys - Kyle

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KileIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kile
KileyIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kiley
KyeIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kye
KylanIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kylan
KylarIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kylar
KyleighGaelicHandsome, Near the chapel, Narrow, Narrow channel, StraitPopularity of Kyleigh
KylenIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kylen
KylerIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kyler
KyliGaelicHandsome, Near the chapel, Narrow, Narrow channel, StraitPopularity of Kyli
KylieGaelicHandsome, Near the chapel, Narrow, Narrow channel, StraitPopularity of Kylie
KyrellIrishPlace name, A churchPopularity of Kyrell
LeiGaelicHandsome, Near the chapel, Narrow, Narrow channel, StraitPopularity of Lei